Services for women’s Health

Pill checks: We also invite women who are taking the contraceptive pill to attend the surgery for a yearly “pill check” and to discuss alternatives such as the implant and the coil which are long term reversible contraception methods.

Contraception:  The Surgery offers long term Contraception  –  The Coil and Implant inserts and removals.  We hold Monthly clinics on site at the Willow. The Doctor runs this clinic and will call before hand to discuss before booking.

Cervical smear appointment: There are national screening programmes in England to screen for cervical cancer and breast cancer. All women between age 25-65 are eligible to have cervical smear which can detect early cancer or changes leading to cancer before this becomes dangerous – please keep your appointment for a smear if it has been booked.

Breast mammogram: Helps to detect breast cancer before it becomes obvious to you – women are sent appointments after age 50 every 3 years – please keep the appointment when you receive one.

When you are pregnant: A trained midwife is attached to the practice who provides complete maternity care in association with the doctor. If you present yourself to the practice we will inform the midwife who will contact you – she books her own appointments.

Date published: 23 May 2018
Date last updated: 30 January 2023